Indoor scarf shoot with Olivia :)

Here is a picture of Olivia Bushnell and myself. Just trying out some photoshoot ideas for some indoor shoots. The scarf adds a nice touch :)

My cousin and I love to do photo shoots. I'm in love with photography and she's in love with Modeling so we make a pretty good team! We both come up with an idea, that instead of doing our normal go outside, get all dressed up shoots we do some dramatic head shots. We don't have a studio with fancy back drops or lighting so we thought we'd just make our own. So if you want to do head shots or any kind of close up shoots and don't have the money for all that fancy stuff here is a VERY easy way to set up your own studio.

1.) Pick a wall in your house
2.) Get a white sheet and hang it up
3.) Get two bright lights and face them at the sheet or you can put them behind the sheet.
4.) Get a chair and set your model up :)

Have fun shooting! Its super easy and the pictures turn out great!

P.s I used a 50mm lens. ISO set on 1/1600